
In Japan, it is custom (after the polite bow) to offer your business card as your presentation on first time meetings. Thus, the introductory ceremony begins. Now all parties know the other person's full name, work title, and contact details, and they officially become acquainted.

Sometimes I see a ritualistic parallelism between Japanese business cards and our iPod (*).

(*) And when I say iPod, I'm not trying to shamelessly promote an inexistent alliance with Apple. I'm talking about your music taste (and wherever you might store it, be it folders in your computer, media players, CD cases, vinyls or phones).

For our generation, a generation of blog-reading and internet-sailing, your music taste is a statement. It's something that defines you. It is often used to label you.

"Simply handing over your iPod to a friend, your blind date, or the total stranger sitting next to you on the plane, opens you up like a book. All somebody needs to do, is scroll through your library {...}, and musically speaking, you're naked. 
It's not just what you like –it's who you are."
 Steven Levy - The Perfect Thing

I was reading through Steve Job's latest biography when I stumbled upon this statement. And I found it interesting. It is true that iPods were sort of revolutionary –music is important for human kind since forever, and with that invention, people were able to select and take with them what spoke to their soul.

But how does this make you feel? Would showing your IPod (*) to someone mean a sudden shiver? Would that be getting too personal for your own comfort? Maybe you'd feel indifferent about it?

And can you say that, if you grabbed your iPod (*) right now, it would mirror who you are well?

When I first got mine, I had recently entered the adult world, and I felt I had to fill up my iPod with what was hip, because it would be expected of me to be like that. And so I started filling it up with music I didn't quite enjoy. One day I came to the realisation that I was being stupid. And I started a musical purge. I deleted music I wasn't even listening to, and left the good bits in. Since that day I've been really critical and selective every time I sync it with my media player.

I guess that gesture in itself explains a bit of who I am.

And on that note, I will leave you with the latest addition to my iPod. In case you're curious.

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